Client and Therapist relationship will be terminated under any of the below conditions:
1. Therapeutic goals have been achieved and the client has no longer needs to be addressed through the services offered in the practice.
2. Client determines no longer need for treatment.
3. Client wishes to terminate sessions.
4. Therapist discuss/recommends a different treatment approach not offered by such.
5. Client is no longer progressing while under care of the therapist.
6. Client fails to show/cancel on two separate scheduled appointments, with no prior notification or reasons provided.
7. Client starts therapeutic services with another provider.
8. Therapist discovers and shared about conflict of interest or dual relationships with the client.
9. Transference or counter-transference between client and therapist that has been perceived and acknowledged.
10. Therapist must discontinue providing services due to personal reasons – some clarity provided to the client.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand this Termination Policy.
Client Signature (Client’s Parent/Guardian if under 18)